Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Financial Data Science Project
Department Mathematics
Module Code 06 40639
Module Lead Monita Baruah
Level Masters Level
Credits 60
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Project supervision-5 hours
Guided independent study-595 hours
Total: 600 hours
Description This module gives the students an opportunity to carry out independent study of a topic in Financial Data Science that particularly interests them. This will involve either applying or expanding the skills learned in the taught modules. It will also involve critical analysis of the problem under investigation in the context of known literature, description of the methods used or developed and presentation of the final results.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of a number of modern research techniques in financial data science underpinned by a knowledge of the fundamental principles in the area
  • View and carry out critical analysis of a problem based on the fundamental principles of financial data scienceĀ 
  • Independently plan a period of research and manage their timeĀ 
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and apply the financial data science methods
  • Have the ability to communicate mathematical, or otherwise, ideas to audience with non-mathematical background
  • Prepare a report at professional standard
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Written final project report (70%) 12,500 words submitted in September; project oral presentation (10%) given in late August; supervision meeting reports (10%); draft dissertation (10%) 6,250 words submitted in late August..


Resubmission of project report
Reading List