Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title Public Economic Management
Department International Development
Module Code 07 02816
Module Lead Bizuneh Yimenu
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Description The motivating idea for the PEMF programme is that it is possible for working public sector economists to improve and update their analytic and practical skills by learning techniques of analysing current economic management problems facing government, and acquiring additional economic and financial data and the means to analyse it. Students on the programme acquire computer skills and work with real databases, from the international and national sources. The analytical techniques acquired are applied through practical exercises and interpretation of results. Public Economic Management provides an overview of issues and analytical techniques, working inwards from the maro to the sectoral and local level.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module the student should be able to:Develop through understanding and ability to analyse:- relations between market development, economic growth and state development - trade offs between policies - the relationship between national accounts, government accounts and external accounts in the economy- allocative efficiency in the economyDevelop critical and analytic skills application in a variety of contexts.
Assessment 02816-01 : Assignment 1 - 2500 words : Coursework (50%)
02816-02 : Assignment 2 - 2500 words : Coursework (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
1,500 word written assignment (40%)
2,000 word written assignment (60%)

If students fail to pass the module, they may submit a new assignment. However, the new assignment must address a different question from their initial submission.
Reading List Parkin M, Powell P, Matthews K - 'Economics', 4th edition. Addison Wesley Gillis M, Perkins D, Roemer M, Snodgrass D - Economics of Development 5th Edition