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Module Title
LM Public Financial Management
International Development
Module Code
07 30290
Module Lead
Simon Delay
Masters Level
Semester 2
The module aims to equip students with an understanding of the key issues involved in the financial management of public sector organisations. The module will equip students with skills in areas such as budgeting and financial appraisal but it does not comprise a detailed technical module in accounting. Modern approaches to public sector management in which finance plays a part such as contracting-out and devolved or decentralised management will be reviewed.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Demonstrate understanding of the key roles and relationships in financial management
Locate public sector financial management within its public spending framework and the broad mechanism for channelling resources
Understand and be able to use the products of key financial management tools including budgeting, financial accounting, management accounting, and project analysis
Be able to participate at a strategic level in debates on the policy issues in developing appropriate financial management systems and policies
Understand the relationship between performance management and financial management and be able to critically evaluate performance.
Be familiar with the main approaches to financial control and to financial and oversight
Understand modern approaches to resource management including devolved financial management and public private partnerships in project finance.
Develop critical and analytical skills for application in a variety of contexts
30290-01 : Assignment - 4000 words : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessments: Assessments: 1 x 4000 word assignment (100%)