Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Development in Practice
Department International Development
Module Code 07 30297
Module Lead Maurice Beseng
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Description This module aims to provide students with a solid understanding of what development management means in practice.This involves an examination of the tools and methods that are actually used in development practice today. This will involve three sessions setting the scene exploring an overall introduction to the module; the significance of Results Based management; and the importance of the approach associated with Doing Development Differently. The next three sections are associated with understanding the local context in development practice: this involves political economy analysis and then participation analysis. The remainder of the course is broadly concerned with information management, data collection and development: this involves Needs assessment; Monitoring and Evaluation (including randomised methods) and finally data presentation and report writing. The module also pays particular attention to supporting students to develop the key skills essential to success in Masters-level study (critical analysis, writing academically, and articulating your own argument), as well as the essential competencies for work in the field of international development – what Woolcock (2007) calls the skills of ‘detective, translator, and diplomat’.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate in-depth comprehension of the evolution of practical experience, method and tools in development management.
  • Critically appraise the institutional and capacity implications of different practical tools and methods and demonstrate their application
  • Demonstrate critical understanding of the role of different actors in managing development in practice.
  • Critically analyse and differentiate the development challenges of working in relationships of multiple actors.
  • Apply and appraise the concepts and theories covered in the module to assess the management of development in practice within a country context.
Assessment 30297-01 : Assignment 1 - 2000 words : Coursework (40%)
30297-02 : Assignment 2 - 3000 words : Coursework (60%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
2,000 word assignment (60%)
1,500 word assignment (40%)

By resubmission of a failed assignment
Reading List