This module will introduce students to the fundamental marketing and communication concepts by providing students with the relevant marketing theories, concepts and frameworks to analyse the competitive and dynamic external and internal environments for a range of different types of organisations. Students will explore brand and corporate communications strategies that are required for a range of targeted audiences. Students will be asked to consider the ethical and sustainability implications of an organisations marketing and communication decisions and actions. Students will develop effective group working skills, focussing on collaboration, communication, negotiation, and the ability to contribute constructively to achieve shared goals. The students will be provided with the opportunity to develop a range of creative digital skills. The module provides the foundational knowledge and understanding for students to build on as they undertake both Communications and Marketing based modules in later years.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Apply marketing and communication analytical frameworks, tools, techniques and skills to analyse a broad range of contexts and scenarios.
Using relevant communication theories and concepts and digital skills to develop content for a range of stakeholders.
Critique marketing theory and practice through understanding and application of differing ethical and sustainable viewpoints.
Demonstrate a range of group working skills through the production of a digital artifact.
31686-01 : Group Presentation : Presentation (50%)
31686-02 : Examination (2 Hours) : Exam (Centrally Timetabled) - Written Unseen (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessments: 7-8 min Group video: coursework (50%) 1,500-word written individual assignment (50%)