Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2023/24 Session

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Module Title LI Human Resource Management
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Management
Module Code 07 31698
Module Lead Rweyemamu Ndibalema
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Description This module covers the key concepts and issues involved in the management of people and in particular the practices and controversies associated with contemporary Human Resource Management (HRM).
During the module, students will look at the environmental context within which HRM operates and consider the relationship between strategic management and HRM, both in a national and international context. Dubai students will get to understand the unique HRM context in the region, the nationalisation agenda and the expatriate work force.
Students will be introduced to the employment relationship: industrial relations and personnel management, before focusing on key issues and debates within the functional areas of employee resourcing, employee development, employee relations and performance management and reward. Students will consider a variety of perspectives on HRM: contrasting the functional perspective with the critical; evaluating the high commitment and high control models of HRM; and assessing the potential contribution of HRM to business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module, students should be able to:
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the origins and development of HRM and critically
  • evaluate the reason for its prominence in the contemporary work environment
  • critically appraise the way in which and effect to which HRM impacts on the competitive advantage of the firm;
  • critically evaluate the impact of HRM policies and practices in various industrial sectors and for various occupational groups,
  • demonstrate comprehensive understanding of the relationship between HRM and more traditional forms of participation such as collective bargaining and industrial relations and evaluate the impact of the former on the latter,
  • Critically assess the contribution of HRM to business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
Assessment 31698-01 : Assignment 1 : Coursework (70%)
31698-02 : Assignment 2 : Coursework (30%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment: Canvas assessment: 1 hour test (25%); 3hr examination (75%) ;,br> Reassessment: 3hr examination (100%);
Reading List