Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LI Consumer Behaviour
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Marketing
Module Code 07 33122
Module Lead Mahmoud Zakarneh
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-45 hours
Guided independent study-155 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description The aim of the module is to investigate and understand consumer behaviour in a contemporary context. It provides the theoretical perspectives as well as the most up to date research that give insights into consumer behaviour, changing patterns of consumption and marketing technology applications shaping businesses as they aim to market to the consumer more effectively.
The most recent research papers and case studies will be used to help students make connections between theory and practice explicitly. Learning will also be supported by professional experience of tutors, lecturers and guest lecturers.
The role of technology and the subsequent impact on consumer behaviour will be explored with digital consumption, online consumer behaviour, big data and data use as particularly important areas for focus. The current debate on the impact of GDPR will also be explored – with a particular focus on data privacy. Case studies on the latest consumer behaviour technologies will be introduced to demonstrate changes in the traditional marketing channels. Students will explore the changing customer journey in the context of Omnichannel and Unichannel marketing. Technological applications such as Marketing automation and Augmented Reality will be of focus.
Students will also explore important issues on responsible business and ethical consumption using the most recent research papers on sustainability including issues on packaging and recycling.
Throughout the module relevant case studies and current research papers will be used to help students explore and understand the issues, and also make the connection between theory, research and practice explicitly. A global context will be incorporated in the use of such resources.
The module examines the latest issues and developments in behavioural, psychological and sociological thinking and students will be encouraged to discuss such perspectives in tutorial sessions, applying the conceptual frameworks introduced in lectures to such discourse.
The module aims for students to develop good research and applicative skills as they make explicit connections between theory, research and practice. It also aims for students to develop group-working skills through group-based work as part of both formative and assessed learning. As a core to pathway module, it provides knowledge on fundamental aspects of consumer behaviour which offers potential for specialism in the final year.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Apply relevant models to analyse and understand contemporary consumer behaviour
  • Understand and apply consumer behaviour theory to practice in a marketing context
  • Explain the relevant issues in ethical consumption including packaging and recycling
  • Recognise and discuss the role of technology in the changing customer journey and consumption patterns
Assessment 33122-01 : Group Presentation : Coursework (50%)
33122-02 : Examination : Exam (Centrally Timetabled) - Written Unseen (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
15-minute group presentation (50%)
90-min exam (50%)

By the failed component i.e. either 15-minute group presentation (50%) undertaken individually, or 90-min exam (50%)
Reading List