Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Company Project
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Marketing
Module Code 07 37296
Module Lead Inci Toral
Level Masters Level
Credits 40
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Project supervision-10 hours
Work based learning-140 hours
Guided independent study-250 hours
Total: 400 hours
Description This module gives students the opportunity to display their ability to apply elements of the concepts they learned in the programme through a specific topic to display their disciplinary competence and grasp of all the marketing, management and social issues surrounding that topic, and to demonstrate their enthusiasm and interest for that topic.

The module is designed to allow students to undertake their own in-depth research study into a company and a subject of interest related to their degree programme. Students will research and analyse an issue currently experienced by an industry partner or a company of their choice. This will be written up as a report including, for example, literature, findings based on organizational data analysis, and recommendations. Where students are allocated to an industry partner, the partner company will be willing to allow data analysis and research on a topic that they introduce, or the students can offer. Students taking this module may acquire access to the company primary and/or secondary data within the UK GDPR regulations and University’s ethical considerations.

The Research and Analysis in Marketing and the Company Project modules involve student research and, together, make up 60 credits of independent learning based on student research within the MSc Marketing programme.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Critically engage with marketing literature relevant to their project and identify relevant and useful material for understanding the issue faced.
  • Implement a project plan.
  • Apply relevant marketing theories, models and tactics whilst implementing solutions to marketing problems
  • Critically explain the significance of the results of their project for the company.
  • Identify the limitations of their study, whilst critically discussing alternative approaches.
  • Critically evaluate the findings of the study to express theoretical and practical contributions, in the specific area under investigation.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
Individual 2,000-word project report linked to the main report (20% weighting)
Individual 10,000-word report (80% weighting).


Revision and resubmission of the (10,000 word) individual report (100%)
Reading List