Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Company Project
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Management
Module Code 07 37985
Module Lead Devon K. Barrow, Ph.D.
Level Masters Level
Credits 40
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Project supervision-10 hours
Work based learning-140 hours
Guided independent study-250 hours
Total: 400 hours
Description This module gives students the opportunity to work on project for a host organization, either in the form of a company project without work placement, or with work placement, the internship. The module aims to provide students an opportunity to apply theory to practice, and to develop work-related knowledge, skills and capabilities. It enables students to apply theory, critical thinking and skills in carrying out a project for the host organisation.

Students have the opportunity to interact with members of the host organisation. For students undertaking an internship, it provides an opportunity for prolonged exposure to knowledge and practice within the work-based environment. All students will reflect on their knowledge, experience and practice managing and delivering these projects. Students will draw upon the knowledge acquired, and the intellectual, technical and analytical skills developed during their programme. To equip students with the research skills required to successfully execute the project, this module follows the Research and Analysis in Supply Chain Management module, which provides a series of workshops on research methods and report writing for management.

The Research and Analysis in Supply Chain Management and the Company Project module involve student research and, together, make up 60 credits of independent learning based on student research within the MSc programme.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Critically analyse supply chain management literature relevant to their project and identify relevant and useful material for understanding the project aims or issues faced.
  • Implement a project plan. Critically evaluate the findings of study to express theoretical and/or practical contributions in the specific area under investigation.
  • Communicate a set of conclusions and recommendations from a project, including suggestions for future research, if appropriate.
  • Critically explain the significance of the results of their project for the company. Identify the limitations of their study, whilst critically discussing alternative approaches.
  • Critically reflect on the learning to identify own strengths and weaknesses and plan future development needs.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Project Portfolio: 10000-word (100%).

A portfolio consisting of 3 elements (a, b and c):

a) Deliverable to the company, of 6000 words or equivalent, which can be a report, presentation, video or a combination of those, including the supporting methodology applied (50%).

b) A supporting critical review of relevant literature, 3000 words (40%).

c) Critical reflection: 1000-word reflective account of the experience or working with an organisation on a timebound project (10%)


Revision and resubmission of the (10,000 word) project portfolio (100%)
Reading List