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Module Title
LM Business Analytics Capstone Project
Birmingham Business School
Module Code
07 38156
Module Lead
Dan Herbert
Masters Level
Full Term
Contact Hours
Lecture-27 hours
Seminar-11 hours
Project supervision-5 hours
Supervised time in studio/workshop-22 hours
Guided independent study-535 hours Total: 600 hours
The Business Analytics Capstone project is a module in which teaching will be primarily in Semester 2 and the project work will occur during the summer, integrating a training programme in project management and communication of project results approaches used in business analytics projects. Students will bring together their learning from the taught elements of the programme and apply them to address a live industry problem. Students will work in groups of up 5 to develop and implement a solution to a live business problem. Alongside the technical solution, students will have the opportunity to work in a team to solve problems replicating a ‘real world’ situation and allowing them to develop their team working skills. Working with a project supervisor students will follow a recognised project management process (such as CRISP-DM and Agile) to develop an appropriate solution using analytics tools that they self-select. Students will communicate the outcome of the project to the client organisation in both writing and orally, giving them the chance to develop skills in communicating complex ideas to specified, perhaps non-specialist, audiences.
The module is delivered in two stages. The first will provide the training needed to implement a project from definition to completion. In this section students will develop and practice skills that allow them to:
Define a project and prepare a specification based on client needs.
Select and implement project management and team working techniques necessary to manage a project
Communicate data analytics project outcomes and, in particular, the creation of visualisations, dashboards and data stories that aim to convey key messages to lay readers. To do this will make use of industry standard analytics and visualisation software such as Tableau.
The second stage is based around the group project as outlined above.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module students should be able to:
Work in a team to develop a working solution to a live analytics problem.
Evaluate project goals and prepare project specifications
Select and evaluate appropriate tools for communicating the outcomes of analytics projects to clients and users
Evaluate, select and implement appropriate data visualisation techniques using industry standard software.
Present complex project outcomes to client and/or lay audience
Critically appraise, select and apply appropriate project management techniques to manage a live project to completion
Critically assess the role of responsible business and ethics in data science and the impact this has on the business.
Critically evaluate a project outcome and their individual contribution to it
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessment: There are two pieces of assessment that form internal hurdles:
Semesters 1 and 2:
Individual case study (2000 words) 10%
Individual data visualisation task (2000 word equivalent) and evaluation (1000 words) 15%
Group Client presentation video (10 mins) 15%
Group Project report (5000 words plus project outcome) 40%
Individual assessment of project success and personal learning (2000 words) 20%
Reassessment: Project report (5000 words) 70% Individual assessment of project success and personal learning (2000 words) 30%