Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Understanding the Economy
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Management
Module Code 07 39585
Module Lead Deniz Sevinc
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-11 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-22 hours
Guided independent study-67 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description This module aims to provide students with a critical awareness, understanding of, and ability to interpret relevant and fundamental issues in the economy. Throughout this module students will explore key theories, concepts, and frameworks, applying them through contemporary case studies and group work to develop a critical understanding of current issues in the global economy.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Critically use core economic concepts, principles and models to understand and analyse real world cases and situations that reflect the interlinked economic environments in which people live and work and business, public sector and third sector organisations operate
  • Critically apply foundational economic concepts and tools to understand the causes and evaluate the consequences of significant economic trends and events, and their potential impact upon the individuals, organisations and locations as well as the implications for government policy, particularly with regards to concerns for sustainability and planetary boundaries. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply analytical skills relevant for decision making to critically evaluate economic theory and data in relation to the business environment in particular countries, the international economy, market failures and the strategic behaviour of firms.
Assessment 39585-01 : Group Project Report : Group Assessment - Coursework (20%)
39585-02 : Individual Report : Coursework (80%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

1 small-group project report (20%, 400 words per individual, groups of 3-4) 

1 individual report (80%, 1500 words)


Reassessment of group work: Individual critique of failed work (400 words) 
Reassessment of Individual assignment: Individual report (100%, 1500 words) 
Reading List