Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM People Management and Organisations
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Management
Module Code 07 39588
Module Lead Daniel Wintersberger
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-22 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-11 hours
Guided independent study-67 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description The module will help students to develop their people management knowledge, personal skills and values in light of contemporary organisational challenges and international or global contexts. Person-centric (micro and meso-level) management topics may include, for example: employee motivation and engagement; recruitment and selection; equality and diversity; interpersonal communication, teamworking and intercultural awareness. In fast a changing business world, the module also explores macro-level topics and issues associated with people management and organisations more broadly. These may include, for example: the future of work; organisational governance and ethics; leadership, responsible business and human resource management (HRM).
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Critique and apply approaches to people management in a variety of organisational contexts and/or international settings. 
  • Apply effective interpersonal communication skills, teamwork and/or intercultural awareness in different organisational contexts. 
  • Demonstrate effective people management and leadership skills (e.g. workforce design, talent management) in the context of developing a responsible business, or contributing to a diverse and inclusive team environment. 
  • Promote an ethical, inclusive, innovative and supportive culture that generates continuous and responsible business improvement.
Assessment 39588-01 : Group Presentation : Group Assessment - Coursework (25%)
39588-02 : Individual Assignment : Coursework (75%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

10-minutes group visual presentation e.g. using PowerPoint, videos, posters (25%). (groups of 4-5 students) 
Policy paper on a contemporary module issue (1,500 words) (75%).


Resubmission of failed component(s): 
Policy paper on a contemporary module issue (1,500 words) (75%).
Individual critical analysis of the group visual presentation (500 words) (25%). 
Reading List