Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Strategy in a Complex and Uncertain World
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Strategy and Int Business
Module Code 07 39590
Module Lead Joachim Timlon
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Practical Classes and workshops-25 hours
Guided independent study-75 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description The module introduces students to the concepts, principles and major approaches that contribute to an analytical understanding of the uncertain environment in which strategies are formulated. Through interactive learning approaches based on cases and problem-based learning, you will develop and enhance your practical skills to design and execute purpose-led organisational strategies that meets social, environmental, and financial goals. 
This module specifically addresses how organisational purpose can enhance the strategic focus of business, by acknowledging the influence of values and stakeholder expectations on decision making. This approach to strategy formulation encourages systems thinking that seeks ambitious, creative and sustainable solutions beyond the strict boundaries of the organisation as a new path to competitive advantage. The module explicitly incorporates an understanding of the social, environmental and financial impacts of the organisation on stakeholders into corporate and business-level strategy formulation. The module develops critical strategic thinking skills that take a long-term perspective. It encourages students to develop innovative strategies that maintain a congruence between the firm and in the context of the organisation's particular competitive environment and the ever-changing, uncertain general environment of business. 
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Identify, evaluate and develop organisational purpose and stakeholder expectations and their influence on strategic decision making
  • Demonstrate strategic thinking skills that lead to informed, and purpose led strategic decision making
  • Develop strategies that encompass entire systems well beyond the boundaries of the organisation incorporating the impact of social, environmental and financial goals
  • Lead and work effectively in diverse and inclusive groups
Assessment 39590-01 : Group Presentation : Fieldwork - Coursework (30%)
39590-02 : Individual Assignment : Coursework (70%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

1500-word assignment (70%) proposing a feasible strategic direction to an organisation, using strategic tools introduced in the course
Group presentation, 10 minutes (30%)


Reassessment by failed component 
1500-word assignment (70%) proposing a feasible strategic direction to an organisation, using strategic tools introduced in the course
Group work reassessed by an individual reflective assignment by each member of the group, 400 words (30%) 
Reading List