Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Business Bootcamp
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Management
Module Code 07 40333
Module Lead Caroline Chapain and Angela Marqui
Level Masters Level
Credits 0
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Description This module will provide an immersive experience for all students in the programme in the form of a bootcamp. The bootcamp will take place in the first week of teaching, at the beginning of the programme and combines a business and management primer course with the aim to support students in developing an understanding of all functions of the firm. While discussions, exercises and practical work is developed around the function of the firm, students will also develop key skills like cross-cultural management, networking, and career planning. This unique week-long bootcamp will set the scene for the modules that will follow while exploring the experiential learning and hands-on education.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • 20.1
  • Demonstrate a sense of responsibility for their own learning that will support their continuing academic and professional development.
  • 20.2
  • Recognise the value of co-operative group learning and demonstrate a willingness to share their own knowledge, experience, and insights with other members of their learning group.
  • 20.3
  • Represent the key operational functions of business and organisations and their interrelations.
  • 20.4
  • 20.4
  • 20.5
  • Recognise key concepts in business management.
  • 20.6
  • 20.5
  • 20.7
  • Demonstrate effective interpersonal and multi-cultural team working skills (teamwork and interpersonal skills).
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

The bootcamp is a non-credit bearing module, and students are expected to attend and engage with the group work and problem-based learning sessions to a satisfactory level, complete the quizzes and reflection exercises as well as provide peer feedback to pass this module. The items of summative assessment are:
10-minutes group presentation
Peer reviewed reflection
Personal development plan


Reassessment by failed component:
5-Minutes individual presentation
Reflection on their work in the group presentation
Personal development plan
Reading List