The interface between human rights and health care law is an area characterised by increasing jurisprudence, academic engagement and controversy. This module will examine the international and national ( English law) interface between human rights and health care law and the debates in this area in general through the exploration of a number of topical and controversial case-studies which are likely to include the areas of reproductive technologies, consent and health care research. Where appropriate reference will be made to comparative perspectives in different jurisdictions.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Engage effectively with the legal sources, both primary and secondary and relevant other literature drawn from biomedical ethics, medical and biological sciences, NHS documentation and codes of practice/publications from health care professional bodies
Demonstrate comprehension and engagement with the relevant law and secondary literature and the ability to acquire a critical and analytical approach to the issues raised
Develop transferable skills through participation during seminars and on-line forum and ultimate assessments e.g.
(a) Facilitate communication skills, through discussion both oral and on-line.
(b) Develop analytical and problem solving skills through engagement with problem and essay questions.
(c) Develop independent research skills both in relation to legal and non-legal sources.
24519-01 : Exam : Exam (School Arranged) - Open Book (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessments: Take home exam (open-book) - 3hrs (100%)