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Module Title
LM Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics
Political Sci & Intern'tl Stud
Module Code
08 27329
Module Lead
Professor Nicholas J. Wheeler
Masters Level
Semester 1
The module provides advanced theoretical training in how to think about the challenges of building security in an uncertain world characterised by multi-level interactions and unprecedented levels of global interconnectedness. The first part of the module introduces students to theoretical debates on the obstacles and possibilities for ameliorating intractable interstate and intrastate conflicts, drawing on International Relations scholarship and work from fields such as Neuroscience, Socio-biology, Economics, Philosophy, and Anthropology. The second section of the module applies these insights to an analysis of the possibilities for cooperation within multilateral security regimes at the global level, to assess the potential for meeting today’s urgent global security challenges. A number of case studies are drawn upon including; the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the evolution of the climate change regime, and the possibilities for developing new regimes in response to future challenges from the weaponisation of space and cyber threats.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Demonstrate an interdisciplinary understanding of competing theoretical approaches to building cooperation in global politics;
Recognise the theoretical and epistemological challenges involved in understanding the possibilities for cooperation in intractable conflicts at both the interstate and intrastate level;
Move beyond traditional International Relations theory, by incorporating a variety of cognate disciplines to support research;
Find, use and critically analyse primary and secondary data relevant to specific issue areas of global cooperation.
27329-01 : Group presentation : Presentation (25%)
27329-05 : Essay - 2500 words : Coursework (75%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessment: 1 x Group Presentation (25%) 1 x 2500 word essay (75%) Reassessment: resit of failed piece or pieces of assessment