This course explores the issues and challenges for the legal systems around the world posed by the globalisation of finance and the rapid rate of technological innovation in finance. It will focus on topics such as the prudential regulation of banks, practices of Islamic banking and depositor protection, international finance and payment mechanisms and financial market. It examines legal doctrines and regulatory standards in governing the relationships between banks and customer relationships.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of banking law and policy, including knowledge of relevant caselaw, legislation, statutory instruments and related regulations, significant policy documents as well as academic literature
Bring together and present coherently materials from primary and secondary sources which deal with the issues addressed in the module
Make personal and reasoned judgements about the material covered in the module
Apply the law in this module to complex factual scenarios and advise on areas of contention and uncertainty
32556-01 : Essay : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
3000 word essay (75%) group presentation (5 minutes per person) (25%)
Method of Reassessment Re-sit failed component(s).