Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM International Political Economy
Department Political Sci & Intern'tl Stud
Module Code 08 33046
Module Lead Natascha Neudorfer
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions N/A
Description The main aims of this course are to introduce students to core theoretical debates and empirical issue-areas and to develop your research and analytical skills in the study of IPE. The course is divided into three sections. In the first part it introduces students to the theoretical foundations of IPE. The second part of the course will then focus on political decision making in trade and monetary policy in the international context. The third section focuses on development in the contemporary world. This section covers core development issues in IPE; including: effects of globalization on child labour, foreign aid, and government spending. Particularly, in the second and third part we will also look at empirical testing of theoretical explanations
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Develop their understanding of theoretical debates and issues such that they can engage these questions independently
  • Build a theoretical informed and comprehensive understanding of the origins, structure, and politics of the contemporary global market economy
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the empirical stories behind a range of contemporary issues in IPE
  • Develop research skills
Assessment 33046-02 : Essay - 1000 words : Coursework (25%)
33046-05 : Essay - 2500 words : Coursework (75%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment: 1 x 1000 word essay (25%) 1 x 2500 word essay (75%)
Reassessment: resit of failed piece or pieces of assessment
Reading List