Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Textual Studies in Shakespeare
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department Shakespeare Institute
Module Code 09 04538
Module Lead Tiffany Stern
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions This module is not available to students who study the DL module ‘Shakespeare and Text'
Description The course will be divided into three roughly equal areas of study:
1. Shakespeare in print, early modern print technology and print culture. This segment will situate the Shakespeare text within the technology and textual culture in which it appeared and will pay particular attention to the printing of the 1623 Shakespeare Folio.
2. Quarto and Folio texts. In this segment students will study the differences between different quarto and Folio texts of selected Shakespeare plays, and consider various explanations for those differences.
3. Textual theory and editorial practice. The focus here is on the way modern editions process the texts on which they are based, and the theoretical issues surrounding these practices such as textual authority, authoriality, textual materialism. Alternatives to critical editing, such as digital facsimiles and electronic editions, will be examined.

Broader objectives of the course are to suggest ways in which textual study impinges on other aspects of Shakespeare study – from dating, authorship and revision on the one hand to performance on the other – and to provide a foundation for further work that centres on or makes reference to textual study.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module the student should be able to:
  • situate the early Shakespeare texts within early modern print culture and authorship
  • demonstrate knowledge about the relationship between the early texts of selected plays, whilst acknowledging the difficulties in interpreting the evidence
  • demonstrate understanding of the strengths and limitations of alternative mediations and presentations of the text
  • show familiarity with the theoretical controversies surrounding Shakespeare's text, including those associated with dating, authorship, attribution and revision
Assessment 04538-01 : Essay : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
1,000 word textual analysis (25%)
3,000 word essay (75%)

Failed component only
1,000 word textual analysis (25%)
3,000 word essay (75%)
Reading List