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Module Title
LM Describing Language
Eng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Linguistics and Communication
Module Code
09 14071
Module Lead
Florent Perek
Masters Level
Semester 1
Compulsory for students on the following MA/PG Diploma programes; Applied Linguistics, Special Applications of Linguistics, Translation Studies, English for Specific Purposes, Languages and Lexicography. MPhil(B) Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies.
The module provides a grounding in the analysis of the lexis and grammar of English. Students are introduced to essential concepts and terminology in these fields, and gain practice in analysing naturally occurring discourse using the models discussed. There is an emphasis on the application of such analysis to the study of language in its social and political context.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module the student should be able to:
apply selected techniques of analysis to a range of texts focusing on; transivity, morality, theme-rheme, lexical relations, metaphor and idiometicity
critically discuss the significance of the analysis in terms of the social meaning of a text or texts
critically evaluate the analytical tools they are presented with, in their own terms and in terms of their application to the student's professional practice
present a text, its analysis and the interpretations of the analysis, using appropriate academic English