This module offers advanced studies in a specialist area of Applied English Linguistics: Corpus Linguistics. A number of issues in corpus linguistics are considered, including the compilation of a corpus; the information to be gained from concordance lines and collocational information, and how this can be interpreted; the implications for theories of language of observations made from a corpus; contrasting approaches to corpora, and the theoretical assumptions behind each; current applications of corpora, mainly language teaching and/or translation, but also stylistics, ideology and forensic linguistics; possible future directions in corpus linguistics.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module the student should be able to:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key issues in corpus linguistics;Critically evaluate current theory and practice in this specialist area;Explain the relationship of theory in this specialist area to their own professional practice; Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of issues in corpus linguistics at an advanced level;Critically reflect on, and evaluate, aspects of his/her own professional practice in relation to corpus linguistics issues.
18152-01 : Essay : Other (DNU) (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Assessment: 4,000 word essay, analysis or research project report (100%)