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Module Title
LM Language Teaching Methodology
Eng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Linguistics and Communication
Module Code
09 29909
Module Lead
Dr Petra Schoofs
Masters Level
Full Term
This module gives an overview of the development of, and current approaches to, English Language Teaching (ELT) methodology, including the teaching of grammar, reading, writing, speaking and listening. The module also includes a practical introduction to classroom-based research.
The primary intention is to introduce the students to a wide range of ideas, which allow them to reflect on their own teaching experience. At the same time, in covering such a large area, the module also lays down the groundwork for a number of other modules which the student will go onto study as part of this programme.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
demonstrate in-depth knowledge of a range of common language teaching methods and approaches;
critically assess the theoretical bases underlying different approaches and methods to language teaching;
apply knowledge and understanding to discuss recent developments in ELT methodology;
plan, conduct and report small-scale classroom research projects designed to investigate aspects of language teaching methodology and classroom interaction;
critically evaluate a range of classroom language teaching methods and approaches;
reflect upon and critically evaluate his/her own approach to language teaching.