Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LM Extended Translation Project
SchoolLan, Cult, Art Hist & Music
Department Modern Languages
Module Code 09 31049
Module Lead Hilary Brown
Level Masters Level
Credits 60
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-10 hours
Project supervision-3 hours
Guided independent study-587 hours
Total: 600 hours
Description In this module students are expected to translate a text of their choice and write an accompanying commentary. They are expected to draw on appropriate theories, methodologies and approaches to the translation of different text-type and genres, encouraging them to reflect on issues such as target audience and function and to use a range of translation resources. Students will be expected to agree on a translation project that presents an appropriate level of difficulty with their tutor. The commentary on the translation should be provided as a separate analytical essay in English. Students should also include a copy of the source text and appropriate bibliography.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of a variety of theoretical approaches to the practice of translation
  • produce an insightful analysis of the different parameters which constitute a text's translatability
  • translate a text to a professional standard, demonstrating competence in the use of a variety of translation resources
  • reflect critically on their own translation practice and learning proces.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment: For translation projects:
A translation of a source text of 7500 words, accompanied by a 7,500-word critical commentary (50% each).

For subtitling projects:
A translation of a video of approximately 45 minutes,
corresponding to a minimum of 6000 words and a maximum of 7000 words, accompanied by a 7500-word critical commentary (50% each).

Reassessment: Resubmission of the translation and commentary, revised according to feedback provided by markers
Other Birmingham based version of Dubai module 33508
Reading List