The aim of this module is to give an overview over the theoretical and practical foundations and implications of bilingualism and multilingualism in the TESOL classroom. In the context of a multilingual class environment, definitions of bi- and multilingualism will be encountered and discussed from a number of perspectives, e.g. their connection with societal issues, thinking and intelligence, cognitive theories, educational policies and teacher training, in-class response and strategies. The last point includes practical implications and will lead students to envisage and design practical approaches to successfully include bi- and multilingualism in their daily TESOL classroom practice.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
define, describe and critically evaluate the features of bi- and multilingualism and their possible effects in the TESOL classroom.explain to a sophisticated level particular perspectives from which bi- and multilingualism can be viewed.
compare and contrast different bi- or multilingual classroom practices.
critically analyse these classroom practices and demonstrate the ability to apply them.