The course focuses on approaches to the theory and practice of translation in Europe. It addresses the main areas of debate in Translation Theory and Translation Studies, with a historical survey of key theoretical texts and comparative and contrastive analysis of translations into English. It also covers key approaches, skills and resources available to the translator. It gives students the opportunity to apply their knowledge to their own translation practice via the production of a translation from their language of study into English accompanied by a critical and theoretically-informed reflection on the translation.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of translation as a significant professional and cultural practice
describe and evaluate their own translation practice in a subtle and sophisticated manner
produce a translation to a professional standard, drawing on a range of translation resources, including digital resources
32304-01 : 2,000 Word Translation Project : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
One 2000-word translation project, composed of a 700-word translation into English/mother tongue and a 1,300 word analytical commentary on the translation (100%)