Global Creative Industries explores the international dimensions of cultural and creative arts and media in an increasingly connected world. Creative norms, taste and fashion differ markedly across different global regions, shaped by cultural heritage, religion, and governmental policy. Through case studies related to national and international arts, culture and media products, students will learn about issues such as cross-cultural intercommunication, sustainability, censorship, cultural appropriation and creative and digital export. Students will develop deeper understanding of arts and media policy in East Asia and across the Global South in particular, and be able to articulate the aims of creative, artistic and media products in culturally-sensitive ways through close study of the cultural transposition of products such as mainstream films, digital entertainment products, music, art and performance.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Critically interrogate international creative, cultural and media policy showing awareness of national cultural, political and religious norms and standards
Demonstrate an understanding of and ability to articulate the cross-cultural challenges and opportunities in global creative markets
Demonstrate critical awareness of ethical, socio-cultural, and political considerations in the creative sectors
Evaluate and assess the impact of creative, cultural or media products on diverse international audiences