The module aims to develop in teachers an understanding of the effect of deafness on the child and the family. The module discusses the impact of diagnosis, and considers family life, social and cognitive development, and those deaf children with additional disabilities. This module will equip the students with the knowledge of the role that language plays on the development of cognitive functions and socio emotional development of deaf children and young people The wide- ranging implications of deafness for deaf children and young people, their identity and their long –term emotional resilience will also be examined in the module.
Some of the practical aspects of the module require attendance at the study weekend.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
Understand the impact of deafness on cognition and the role that language plays in the development of cognitive functions (i.e. memory, executive functions, Theory of Mind).
Be skilled on how to work in partnership with parents/carers and professionals to foster and optimise the language, learning and acoustic environments that impact on the cognitive functions of deaf learners
Understand that that deafness can coexist with other disabilities and understand their possible impact on cognition.
Understand the wide-ranging implications of deafness for learners, their identity and their long-term emotional resilience and on the social and emotional development of deaf learners and be able to facilitate this development
Identify risk factors for social and emotional development among deaf learners of different needs and ages. and how to support those learners using a range of interventions
39466-01 : 4000 Word Essay : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions
Essay 100% (4000 words)
Students must re-submit any failed component in the next assessment period