Programme And Module Handbook
Programme Requirements for 2023/24 Session

If you find any data displayed on this website that should be amended, please contact the Curriculum Management Team.

B.Sc. Biomedical Science Full-time

Year: 1
2023/24 Session

The following must be taken:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Research Methods (Assessment Block 1) 03 40157 20 Semester 2
LC Research Methods (Assessment Block 2) 03 40158 20 Semester 2
LC Research Methods (Study Block A) 03 40159 0 Semester 1
LC Research Methods (Study Block B) 03 40160 0 Semester 2
LC Introduction to the Study of Religion A 09 34017 10 Semester 1
LC Introduction to the Study of Religion B 09 34018 10 Semester 2
LC Introduction to the Psychology of Religion 09 38204 20 Semester 2

Students must choose 20 credits from the Psychology list and 20 credits from the Theology and Religion list.
Students are permitted a balance of 60/60 credits or 50/70; 70/50, across the two semesters.
*Note: the list of modules given is indicative only; it may be that not all modules will run in any given year.

Students must choose 20 credits of Psychology modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Cognitive Psychology 03 30009 20 Semester 2
LC Introduction to Psychobiology: From Ion Channels to Behaviour 03 30012 20 Semester 1
LC Lifespan Psychology A: Introduction to Developmental Psychology 03 36242 10 Semester 1
LC Lifespan Psychology B: Social Psychology of the Person 03 36241 10 Semester 2

Students must choose 20 credits of Theology & Religion modules:

Module Title Code Credits Semester
LC Lived Religions in Birmingham and Beyond, A 09 33825 10 Semester 1
LC How do we know what (we think) we know about the Holocaust? 09 37635 20 Semester 2
LC Introduction to Islam 10 24034 20 Semester 2
LC Lived Religions in Birmingham and Beyond, B 09 33829 10 Semester 2
LC Political Theologies: Wealth, Race, Gender 09 35155 20 Semester 1
LC Traditions and Heresies in Christian Theology 09 35156 20 Semester 2
LC Truth, Deception, and Ethics in Philosophy and Film 09 35157 20 Semester 1